“I am the sacred song of my ancestors.
I am the prayer that beats and heals.
I am the blessed water that cleanses the soul
I am the silence of the nights in the forest
I am the scent of flowers in the air
I am the soil that sustain life
I am the sacred fire that lights up
I am the wind that blows stories
I am the roots that sustain the body
I am the body that sustains life
I am the dance with my feet on the floor
I’m the face painted protection
Im the passion fruit that scares away evil
I am the herbs that cleanse the aura
I am the love that nourishes and unites hands
Im the hand that reaches out
I am the slippery axis
I am the milk that I nourish
I am the tie that gives
I am divine gift in this now
I make a connection between life and death
A path between the worlds
I bow in honor
Learning to bend over
I budge on learning….
I grow when i let go….
Flight to Infinity….
Just being ….
Love in motion”