The myth of the ‘real man’ is a response to the subjugation of the divine feminine, in which men, as a collective, are held responsible – and accountable – for the evolution and disfunction of a Patriarchal world view. No one benefits from this. Men are damned for being too much or too little, not enough and bearing the shame and guilt of social and gender failings for both sexes.

When we inspire, educate, motivate toward mutual understanding and respect, we would move beyond the need to assign any blame. To heal the Sacred Masculine is to heal The Man, one at a time, if need be. No act too small, no connection less meaningful, no word less inspired to encourage a brother to reveal his true self, without shame or remorse. It is our responsibility to heal ourselves, and in healing ourselves we empower others.

“Due to humans over breeding, grossly over consuming, we have forced what little is left of wildlife into smaller and smaller habitat, and then have the audacity to point the finger at another species and deem them as the ones out of balance, and out of control. Man is in such awe of himself it’s rendered him blind and deaf as to who the true menacing species is.

Maybe it’s time to address the humans who are out of control and grossly over populating!!

If all insects were to cease; all life as we know it would cease; yet if man were to cease; all life as we know it would flourish!! How important is our species to this planet…I believe Nature answers that clearly!!!! I will never trust man’s assessment of the natural environment, not when his sole intention is to manipulate and desecrate it dismissing the very Divinity that created it!! It will be man who will choke on his own filth and die by his own sword!!!

Only then will the Wild Ones return once more and live in rhythm to Earths Sacred song once again!”
Tori Lentz