I hesitate to say this directly, but it seems that the world lacks a certain spiritual elite that is listened to and serves as a guiding force. Nowadays, every person is highly individualistic, with their own goals, needs, and often questionable ideas about life, relationships, and fellow humans.

To make genuine spiritual progress, we should all eventually learn to move beyond our egos. I have always felt a sense of not truly belonging here because so few people listen to the divine. Only a few genuinely serve the Most High, the divine presence that is omnipresent.

My karma involves experiencing this sense of powerlessness acutely. I need to learn what it means to be human rather than a demigod or creator god. Too many people on this earth are enslaved and deceived—these words are all too familiar and unfortunately not new. Many will fall because their illusions will eventually crumble, and this is not necessarily a bad thing.

We should focus on living with the highest consciousness, following divine law instead of pursuing the ego and its personal worldviews. There are always exceptions, which is why so many half-truths and different levels of perception exist. Living strictly by principles can limit oneself and hinder deeper spiritual experience.

It is essential that we all recognize that our individual pursuits and personal beliefs often conflict with a deeper, collective spirituality. A spiritual elite that guides and inspires humanity could help bridge this gap. However, this requires us to recognize and accept our own limitations and boundaries.

Our goal should be to transcend personal ego and connect with universal consciousness. Only then can we make real spiritual progress and contribute positively to humanity. We must remember that every person has their own path and truth, and this diversity can be a strength if it aligns with a higher, divine order.

Ultimately, we all face the challenge of overcoming our egos and striving for higher consciousness. This means confronting the fact that our individual beliefs are often just illusions that will eventually fade. By letting go of these illusions and focusing on the divine, we can find true spiritual fulfillment.