“Awakened people are unyielding, intuitive and possess the serene strength and confidence of those who have learned to see life through the eyes of the soul.
There are people who have gone through difficult situations, had dreams that never came true, had to say goodbye to loved ones and saw life test all their faith in themselves and in the good.

Nevertheless, they healed all their wounds with the wisdom of those who embrace pain as wise counselors. They chose to follow the lessons instead of an accumulation of sadness and disappointment.

This gives them a certain sparkle in their eyes, a presence full of light and charisma and an aura full of warmth that does not go unnoticed.

They are people who do not follow the big collective and the narrative, they are not afraid to look ridiculous, because they believe in the invisible and care for their energy, their mind, their soul and their heart as a temple to be cared for. .
A wise person has learned to honor herself, to love who she is, to be proud of her journey, to give no more power to criticism or judgment, as well as to waste no time judging others.

You know that we are all in between “unconsciousness” and awakening and that process is something sacred and individual. Everyone has their own time and process of “waking up”.

This is why an awakening person appreciates everyone and everything who has lived their journey and made them what they are: those who loved them and those who awakened them. Because it’s inevitable.

No one can live forever in dependence, insecurity or in a deep sleep. Sometimes life will really shake us, to awaken to our power, to our innate potential, to the infinity that lives within us.
This is what gives security and protection to the awakened person.

The security of someone who is comfortable being who they are and who has made themselves a peaceful place to live. An awakened person, who helps to wake up the world! “