Just because a pastor preaches it, doesn’t mean it’s right. Too often, what a person is taught the Bible means in church is… well… wrong. It’s likely the pastor is simply repeating what he learned. As a rule of thumb, it’s not a good idea to accept a religious or spiritual teaching based upon the so-called authority of the person speaking it, this includes myself.

Case in point: Matthew 3:2.

One of the worst explained verses in the Bible is Matthew 3:2: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” It is attributed to Jesus, and became his calling-card message.

The conventional understanding of these words of Jesus could be paraphrased as follows, “The final reckoning is near, it’s time to get right with God.” This false interpretation is largely based upon the unfortunate translation of the word “repent” from the Greek into English.

“Repent” usually means to be contrite over one’s sinful condition or to turn away from one’s sinful ways. In the religious context, “repent” usually means acknowledging and grieving your sinful condition, turning from your wicked ways, throwing yourself on the mercy of God, and pledging to do better… or else! “Repent” is one of those religious words that conjure up images of judgment, condemnation, and fear.

Being sorry for your past wrongs, turning from your wicked ways, acknowledging that you are an abomination to God, or grieving your sinful condition is NOT repentance. You are not an abomination, there is no God that stands in judgement of you, and your fundamental nature is not bad. You do not need to be “born again” because you were born just fine the first time

The actual word “metanoia” (which was wrongly translated to the English word, ‘repent’) literally means “beyond the mind.” In other words, it means understanding something in a completely different light, or seeing something in a way you have never seen before or in a non-habitual manner.

The word “repent” (metanoia) means a deep and profound shift in perception. It’s a turning about in the deepest seat of our consciousness or awareness. It’s like the blinders fall off, and we see things as they really are. Metanoia literally means “beyond the mind.” It’s seeing and perceiving from within our innermost self.

Repentance (metanoia) is switching to a different source for understanding. It’s more than just “changing your thinking,” it’s a profound shift in how and from where we process what is real. Jesus was adamant that you could not find truth through the lens of religion, and that in fact the mindsets and doctrines of religion obscure the truth.

The healing work most attributed to Jesus was restoring sight. There is a symbolic significance to this – Jesus knew that necessity of seeing clearly. He once said, “If the eyes are good, the whole body is good.” In other words, true liberation is for one’s eyes to be opened to see things as they truly are – to see the true nature of reality, to see the true nature of who we are, and to operate within that reality. This is “metanoia”.

Also, “kingdom of God” should not be thought of God’s impending judgment associated with some eschatological event. The “kingdom of God” is meant to convey the reality of peace, freedom, joy, harmony, liberation, wholeness and well-being. Jesus’ primary message was NOT, “Try harder; the kingdom of God is here.” Nor was it, “You have a lot of growing to do before you can ever expect to experience God’s kingdom.”

People were stumped because they could not find this kingdom Jesus spoke about. Jesus said this is because it’s a kingdom you can’t access through religious reasoning. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within you – it’s a spiritual reality and dimension that cannot be found without “repentance” (metanoia)… without this turning about at the deepest level of who we are and seeing through those eyes.

So, a re-frame of Matthew 3:2 could go as follows:

“You think the peace, freedom, joy, liberation, wholeness and harmony you desire is beyond your reach and you are separated from it. I tell you it is right at your fingertips! What you seek is not somewhere else and later; it is here right now in this very moment. What you have been searching for your entire life has always been within you and is you. Quit looking for it out there. Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which this kingdom flows; at its source you will find your answer and your search will be over.”