There are at least three distinct things referred to as ‘Union with the Divine.’ The first is the ‘Substancial Union,’ the fundamental union that always exists between the Creator and His creation.

The second is sometimes called ’The Vision of the Machinery of the Universe.’ In it one has an intellectual understanding of all three types of Union. The see how it all works, how God put it together. People who have experienced this type of Union will understand the humor of the attched image. They will also understand the reason for this post.

The third type, is the actual experience of Oneness or Unity with the Divine. Experiencing God looking through your eyes, hearing through your ears and speaking through your lips. Many people have had this experience. It can be intense and life changing. For some it even lead to religious conversion, much like the Apostle Paul. it is important to note that this third type of Mystical Union is the initial goal of most true mystics. It exists along a spectrum of intensity and length. After the initial experience the mystic usually seeks to prolong and intensify the experience of the Union. The new goal being to live as much as possible in and from that experience and perspective. To live with true knowledge and experience manifested as faith.

There is so much more to cover from the simple potholes on the path to the Dark Night of the Soul and the Dweller on the Theeshold, but this forum has become more about arguing theology and beliefs. Like beliefs, there are lots of theologies. Some are orthodox in the true sense of the term, meaning correct, and some aren’t. It seems easier to discern the truth when you are in Union with the Divine.

For those of you who have experienced the second or even third type of Union I mention, could we perhaps share the techniques or things that got us there? Sure, sometimes it just seems like accident when it happens, but I know from experience that it can be grown and matured inside of you. It is bound to be more productive than arguing between Brothers and Sisters in Christ.