Spelling is witchcraft, thats how we cast spells. Its energy being released that causes an effect. Thats what the word Abracadabra means “I speak therefore I create” And that is said, with child like innocent fun.

People say I speak too much about dark witchcraft in its many forms, that I teach it. I don’t teach it, I expose how it is practiced within our lives everyday.

Living in this dimension with eyes to actually see it, the voodoo is woven into the fabric and in many ways controls us like puppets. How about hiding in a corner and jumping out at someone saying “Ooga Booga Booga” this is again casting a death curse, taking on the spirit of a witch doctor. (collecting souls)

I done a whole video on that very things years ago, if you ever want to search it out. But this curse when casting it comes with a full body motion of the hands in the air waving them around and if you look while none of this is practiced or coordinated they wave the hands in whats called in the dance world “Happy Hands” or “Jazz Hands” you can go look that up.

So I just gave you two examples of the mockery, these bad spirits think its funny to have us openly mock ourselves and bring curses upon ourselves.

It works the reverse in knowing serving satan and wanting the things of this world from him, they have to mock or humiliate themselves in front of the world. Thats another subject but many of you know what I am talking about.

Now to the point and the subject we have all been discussion for a few days is the Garden of Eden. And how all this ties into that and I guess by the meme you probably know where this is going.

But isn’t it True? As funny as the truth is hidden in plain sight mockery to these demons, it is equally as insulting to our Creator and thats why things like this is spoken and spelled out in this way its meant to be insulting.

So you may not believe what happened in the garden was a deviant sexual act, yet you’ll laugh when a joke is made about the “Adams Apple”

Maybe we should create folklore call it scripture that an actual apple got stuck in his throat when he took a bite of it? That should be good for a laugh. Laugh Now, Cry Later.