All things are a part of God and held in place within Gods will. Nothing exists outside of Gods will. In this truth, even nothingness is something which exists within Gods mind and will. If nothingness was not something, that nothingness could not be experienced and known. Then it would indeed be nothing. But that can never take place.

But it can be known and experienced that there is seemingly nothing, when in fact there is always something, even nothingness. Even emptiness and nothingness is something which God creates and wills to be. And even in the experience of nothingness we find we are squarely within the experience of God. In fact, we can never not be in the experience of God, as all things are God, even nothingness. Noting exists outside of the mind and will of God.

We cannot not see God as God as God is all there is. Even when mind and desire supposedly ends, we are still perceiving and experiencing the lack of mind and desire, and even that is God and willed to be by God. We as the perceiving awareness will always exist, and even if all else seems to fall away into nothingness, we as eternal perceiving awareness will be aware of that nothingness and perceiving it, and therefore that nothingness is still a thing which is created and held in place by the will and intelligence of God.

If this were not so, then every mystic who experienced no mind, emptiness, nothingness, would never have remained to report back to us about their experience and perception of nothingness, no mind, emptiness. They would have simply vanished without a trace. But even that is imposable because there is no place to vanish too, because even nothingness is a place and an experience.

We literally can never vanish into nothingness, because there is no nothingness, not even in nothingness. Nothingness is full, it is something. And we find ourselves in a loop. We can never not be. And perception is eternal.
Pray for truth and understanding. The truth always sets us free.