The experience of a Divine infusion is itself Divine. Not in the sense as one woman might say to another, “Dear, your dress is divine,” but in the sense that it IS an experience of God.

It’s not a nosegay from Heaven, it is in fact Heaven. Jesus said in Revelations, “Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man listens to my voice and opens the door to me I will come to him and sup with him and he with me (Rev 3:20).” He doesn’t send a messenger or a message. He Himself knocks, speaks and comes in as soon as we open to Him and sups in an intimate meal with us.

Let this put to rest all those skeptical Spartans who insist: “love the God of the experience and not the experience of God.” They are both the same silly! If you realized that you wouldn’t criticize those who go there. Jesus Himself is the experience of God. He is the real article, the real meal deal, the whole 9 yards, the real element, the “mero mero” as they say in Spanish.

As we welcome Him in, we carry within ourselves the treasure hidden in a field, our goal, our Spouse, what we most strive and yearn for with us and within us in person continually, constantly and habitually. I don’t know how to say that any more completely. The mystic carries and walks around with his/her goal, treasure, God inside of him. In fact all of us do it’s just that mystics just happen to be hyper sensitive to and hyper aware of that Presence, would you believe, “all of the time.”

Can you believe the mystic is constantly being stunned, and in a state of amazement at how immense is the universe and the God of the universe?
It would be exhausting were it not that this enormity seems to resolve itself into a still quiet voice that habitually whispers in a sensible but inaudible voice that says, “Psst, it’s Me, I’m here.”