I’ve been wanting to address something that will seem like Blasphemy! It is the same Truth that Got Jesus crucified.
The “Lord” is the Divine Presence which Governs your Life.

The “Lord” prior to the revelation of Oneness looks like an external Savior.

However as One partakes of the Divine nature eventually the mind which perceives separation begins to dissolve into Christ awareness I AM reality.

The Lord becomes the presence of your True-Self which is One with God, experienced within your Self!

Don’t believe me? How come King David in the Psalms always talks about “the Lord”? This was 2000 years before Jesus came on the scene!

Proverbs 18:10 The “NAME” of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

Psalms 23: The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his “NAMES sake”.

A key Lines in understanding the “Name” of the Lord. The name is the “nature and essence” or the vibration of The Lord… which is The Divine Spirit Presence. Not an “in Jesus name” at the end of your sentences.

Jesus of Nazareth embodied the Name, Nature and Essence of Christ, manifesting his True- Self, leaving behind all forms of separation consciousness… becoming and realizing his Lordship… the “Lord over all”.

To be governed by the Lord is really to live in the vibration of heaven, to be lead by the Spirit of God, to cast off your old false Seperate self and live in experiential Oneness.

You as the God-One are the Lord of your Life. Your Mind steeped in separation preceives this reality as God-the-Lord as seperate from you.

This only becuase your identitied with your mind over your Spirit Essence!

Love the Lord your God… is to Love your True Self and the expanded reality which includes all creation. From there you can love your neighbors well.

This is why Jesus never accepted the label of “God or Lord” from anyone who was not close to him, walking intimately as a disciple…
who is good but God? He said.

He accepted “Lord” status from his disciples because they knew his embodied Christ State and that they were on the path of becoming as he is.
They had the teaching and understanding of the difference between being Lord as the false self and Lord as the True Spirit self. (As evidenced in their writings)

I’m grateful for Jesus showing us this Way & Truth Embodied, so we have a blueprint!

If you are “Lord” as the false self, you are an egoic King or ruler which Jesus denied to be…

However if you are “Lord” as the True Self, you are One with your Father and reflecting Truth governing into creation.
To claim to be the Son of God, the I AM in bodily form will get your crucified by those still living in Pharisee “separated false self consciousness”.
As the ego can only perceive separation, therefore the need for an external Lord, which denys God in the Flesh… aka the anti-Christ Spirit.

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus (God, Lord) Christ IS COME in the FLESH, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world. – 1 John4:3

Your flesh and have Christ within. The Christ seed is hidden within all of us. Dormant in some, sprouted in others, others are growing as the Tree. All is Perfect