It is said what has been hidden in the darkness shall be brought to the Light for the Healing of all Aboriginal Tribes and Nations.

King James authorized the writing of the King James Bible and Sir Francis Bacon edited the Bible both were Freemasons.
The teachings of Freemasonery is contained within the Bible such as opening your Chakras and having the Kundalinai awaking to Christ’s conciousness.
The Bible was written to control the masses because good Christians made better citizens then the Aboriginal Tribes and Nations they replaced.

As they were of the same materialistic mindset as the false God they Worshiped and the Kings they followed like the good Shepard.

This is why colonization and the spreading of Christianity here on American went together.

Futhermore God gave his authority to Kings and Governments to rule over us or incur his judgment as written in Romans 13:1-2.

Just as the Christians say that it was good to colonize America the spreading of Christianity as they were doing Gods will and following in Jesus Christ’s footsteps.

We know that it was pure evil to colonize America the spreading of Christianity as it has brought the Tribulation upon us and set our own destruction in motion.

This is why we were given our Prophecies that will lead all Aboriginal Tribes and Nations back to the path of their Spiritually enlightened Ancestors and their Ancestral lands.

This is why we have awakened to prepare the way before the Warriors of the Rainbow.

So you can Light the 8th fire of Eternal peace within Mother Earth following her Spiritual Laws and Wisdom, thus fulfilling the Prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle.
The good news for those who colonized us is that they can repent and leave their false religions and teachings behind to join in with us as we do not judge anyone unlike God or Kings.

Peace we leave with you not as God gives but as the Great Spirit, the source of all life.