There is a deep order in the universe that remains independent of chaos, space and time. This order is in the form of pure mathematical principles and can only be known through geometry.

We ourselves are part of that divine order. We are a drop in the ocean and also the ocean in a drop. We are a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm and are encoded with all the information in the universe. However, we only use a fraction of our total capacity.

The shapes, patterns and figures that emerge from the circle and sphere are keys that can unlock our potential and awaken us to super consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things.

In society, it’s not uncommon to see patterns of behavior that resemble the concept of “fleas in a jar.” This analogy refers to an experiment where fleas are placed in a jar with a lid on top. Initially, the fleas jump high, hitting the lid.

Over time, they learn to jump just below the lid, conditioned by the constraints of their environment.Similarly, society can sometimes exhibit behaviors and thought patterns that are constrained by societal norms, expectations, and limitations. People may conform to these constraints, often without questioning or challenging them, leading to a collective acceptance of certain beliefs or behaviors.

For example, societal programming can manifest in various ways:

1. Cultural Norms: Society often imposes cultural norms and standards that dictate acceptable behavior, appearance, and values. People may feel pressure to conform to these norms, even if they don’t align with their personal beliefs or desires.

2. Educational Systems: Educational systems play a significant role in shaping societal programming by imparting specific knowledge, values, and ideologies to students. This can influence individuals’ perspectives and worldviews from a young age.

3. Media Influence: Mass media, including television, movies, and social media, can perpetuate certain stereotypes, ideologies, and consumerist attitudes that shape societal behavior and perceptions.

4. Economic Structures: Economic structures and systems can also contribute to societal programming by incentivizing certain behaviors, such as competition, consumerism, and materialism.5. Social Hierarchies: Social hierarchies and power dynamics within society can influence individuals’ behaviors and opportunities based on factors such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, and privilege.While societal programming can provide structure and stability to communities, it’s essential to recognize its potential limitations and the importance of critical thinking and questioning.

By challenging societal norms and exploring alternative perspectives, individuals can break free from the constraints of societal programming and cultivate greater authenticity, creativity, and freedom in their lives.Ultimately, just as fleas can learn to jump beyond the constraints of the jar, individuals have the capacity to transcend societal programming and chart their own path towards personal growth, fulfillment, and collective evolution. 🌟

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