In the depths of my soul, a stirring I feel, A whisper, a calling, a truth so surreal.

A journey unfolding, a path yet unknown, A spiritual awakening, my spirit has shown. Like a phoenix arising from ashes of old,

My spirit awakens, its story unfolds. From darkness to light, from doubt to belief, A transformation profound, a soul set free.

I delve into realms that lie deep within, Seeking answers, exploring where to begin. Through meditation and silence,

I find my peace, Connecting with the divine, my soul’s release. The veil is lifted, revealing truths untold, I see the world with new eyes, a sight to behold.

The beauty in nature, the harmony in all, A symphony of existence, a cosmic call. I dance with the stars, I converse with the moon, In unity with creation, I find my commune. The boundaries dissolve,

I merge with the One, A spiritual awakening, my journey begun. I embrace the lessons, the wisdom they bring, Guided by intuition,

I let my heart sing. Love flows through me, like a river so wide, Healing wounds, erasing the pain I once hide.

With every breath, I surrender and let go, Releasing attachments, allowing my spirit to grow. In this awakening,

I find my true essence, A divine connection, a timeless presence. So I walk this path, with courage and grace,

Embracing the challenges, finding my place. A spiritual awakening, a journey profound, Guided by love, my soul has found.